Thursday, January 01, 2009

2009: In Which a Very Tired Person attempts to procrastinate less often.

So, about the vaguely positive thoughts about blogging more frequently in 2008?

Um, yeah. Didn't happen. I could blame it on all sorts of convenient items - the chaplain internship, the stirrings of grad school senioritis, much busy-ness on the work front, rediscovering long-lost friends via facebook, a building project at home - but, really, intertia is more like it. In my snippets of free time, curling up with a cat and a cup of tea was much more appealing. For heaven's sake, I hardly even cooked in '08. That being a travesty - all those lonely cooking vessels. The fresh herbs in the garden. The unused garlic!

I rang out the old year by making homemade lasagna, and thick, dense brownies studded with chocolate chips, and plenty of chamomile tea. So here I am, first day of the new year, sated with all manner of things yummy, contemplating my goals. Because that seems the Thing to Do. And thus we have A List. Which may not be accomplished, but it certainly feels good to set the goals.

  • fresh fruit & veggies every day
  • figure out a reasonable exercise schedule and stick to it 75% of the time
  • finish the construction project, already! (before gardening season arrives)
  • blog at least once a week and journal at least 3x/week
  • find my desk at least once each month and revel in the accomplishment
May we all take the time in the new year to listen for the world not as it is, but as it may be.

Not only is another world possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.
- Arundhati Roy

1 comment:

Kristine said...

Well, so much for blogging once a week!! Perhaps you should ammend that one to once a quarter!