Friday, December 15, 2006

One more thought on the soul, from the insomniac

I think the soul is what the poets have tried to capture through the ages with their words. In a parables class this fall, I used the phrase "invades the semicolon between one heartbeat and the next" to describe the Good News. I think the soul lives in that pause - that semicolon.

In honor and celebration of my friends and colleagues in Parables, I quote the words of ee cummings:

almighty God! I thank thee for my soul; & may I never die spiritually into a mere mind through disease of loneliness


Bodewell said...

Kerri, In wishing you the blessings and strenght of this season, I may have called you Donna by mistake. Nevertheless, best regards once again from Simone

Anonymous said...

As for ee cummings quote, which fit well with your post "almighty God! I thank thee for my soul; & may I never die spiritually into a mere mind through disease of loneliness" ...I believe as long as you continue to climb every mountain you will fair well. Enjoyed your blogs and thanks for sharing. gb